June 2, 2021
geospatial python geocode osm
Learned about a couple of handy python geospatial projects.
Python bindings for the libpostal
It basically provides a way to standardize an input string into something approximately a geocodable address.
Note: it does not actually do geocoding; it does string standardization to match a wide array of international addressing schemes.
Following their instructions on a Mac:
And now we’re ready to use it in Python.
I just tried in an interactive python3
I can see a lot of utility here. Good stuff.
In wondering how to get an isochrone on a street network I came across OSMnx. It’s a utility library and set of algorithms for both accessing (downloading) Open Street Map (OSM) data, and a set of algorithms for working with that data in a Python-native graph data structure. For example…how to download data for a city, build a walking graph of the street network, then calculate how far you can get from a single location in $X$ minutes.
The examples repo shows exactly how to do this.